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Balance in patients with multiple sclerosis

Mariangela Braga Pereira Nielsen1; Glesiane Justino Ferreira2; Letícia Marotto3; Nádia Iara Vieira dos Santos Ferreira4

Received on 19 May 2017

This study aims to characterize the epidemiological profile of MS patients, in addition to comparing the balance before and after
physical therapy. The main objective of this study is to analyze the balance in patients with MS before and after physiotherapeutic
intervention. For this purpose, initial evaluation and reevaluation after 12 physiotherapy sessions were used as methodology. The desire
to perform the work is justified by the fact that multiple sclerosis is a progressive chronic disease that affects young adults at the peak of
their productivity, triggering a series of complications, such as loss of balance, increase in the occurrence of falls, Biopsychosocial impact
on society. In addition to that, it is also justified by the contribution to a greater knowledge about the clinical aspect of this disease. It can
be noticed from the results obtained that there is a positive difference in the balance before and after the physiotherapeutic intervention, as
shown by the DGI and BERG scores. Thus, it can be concluded that in order to improve the balance of MS patients, it is imperative that
these patients use physiotherapy.

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