Publications Management System

TESIS launch

29.04.15 - 04:44


EMESCAM (School of Sciences of Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Vitória) promoted three big launches on December 16th 2014: The EMESCAM Technology – Innovative Health Solutions –  ETIHS (TESIS – Tecnologia Emescam – Soluções Inovadoras em Saúde) is a research, technological and social innovation and entrepreneurship center at Emescam;  Salus Journal of Health Science is an electronic scientific magazine; EMESCAM Tech is a technology-based business incubator in the health field.


ETHIS aims to make EMESCAM  nationally and internationally known as a research innovation and entrepreneurship center. Its mission is to strengthen EMESCAM partnerships with research institutions, government prgans and other civil society organizations worldwide, creating opportunities for teaching and research activities and benefit from these interactions as well aas contributing for social and economic development in the country.


Salus Magazine will broadcast scientific knowledge from  articles written by health professionals from different institutions and from several parts of Brazil and the world translated to English and Spanish.


The third novelty, EMESCAM Tech, aims to turn ideas into business and launch a Startup in the Institution. The Start Up is a recently created company with very low maintenance costs. However, bit may quickly grow through promising projects and innovative ideas. Thereto, the SCHOOL will have support by Halley – Solutions and Innovation in Health (Halley – Soluções e Inovação em Saúde).

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